Everett Parker – Where Everything Is Nothing


Everett Parker – Where Everything Is Nothing

Everett Parker – Where Everything Is Nothing
Format: CD
Label: Ella Ruth Institutet
Release: 2023

Release date: September 28, 2023

The Everett Parker project has rocked back and forth over the years, but has held its own since its inception in a kitchen in the Swedish city of Borås, 2006. In terms of genre, it has moved in a darker Americana sound where inspiration from Folk, Blues and Country music made up the expression .

On previous albums, it has often been a narrative persona who uses guitars, vocals and percussion to get through murder ballads, made-up love stories and time travels with characters in the songs. This time it’s about a personal, slightly bitter and deep digging identity crisis. A real story.

After not getting up on a stage since 2013, something happened in 2021. A couple of appearances later a fire inside started again. Maybe it started a search to find home after a life that wandered around with over twenty addresses, where the roots were constantly cut over the years and relationships slowly faded and drifted away down the stream?

Maybe it’s a yearning back to a life full of adventure, away from the now mundane cogwheel of construction jobs and kids? Or maybe just the feeling that life is running out and that it is always high time to take advantage of it and do what makes it tickle in the marrow? Create and playing music.


Here are five songs about my experience. Five songs to pull yourself out of the abyss with and then, keep moving forward. Cause there is light at the end of the tunnel – hopefully it’s not a train.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/everettparkermusic

01. Worms
02. The Water
03. Follow The Tail
04. Damn Good Coffee
05. Central Station