It’s good to realize that after this stunning part two of the trilogy there is at least one more like it in the pipeline.
New Release: Jim Keller – Daylight
‘Daylight’ is the second album of a trilogy that Keller and Froom agreed to work on.
Review: Jim Keller – Spark & Flame
I never thought Jim Keller would be able to surpass the thrilling ‘By No Means’ but he has.
New Release: Jim Keller – Spark & Flame
Keller’s new record, ‘Spark & Flame’ (2022), is a departure from the strippeddown intimacy of his recent solo work.
Single I Jim Keller – Spark & Flame
“Spark & Flame”, de eerste single, tevens titeltrack van het op 11 november a.s. via Continental Song City te verschijnen nieuwe album van Jim Keller.