Single I Red Red – Spoon And The Flame


‘Spoon and the Flame’ bevat een grensverleggende invloedenmix, Red Red’s handelsmerk, en combineert solo’s van de meesterlijke Belgische disc-spinner DJ Courtasock met jengelende Ierse bouzouki en hardrock drums en gitaar.

Fans van artiesten als Steve Earle en bands als The Black Keys en Urban Dance Squad zullen hier zeker aan hun trekken komen.

The song is about the epidemic of opioid addiction sweeping through lead singer Tom Beardslee’s home state of Ohio and elsewhere in the US. The song explores the opiate crisis through the lives of two ordinary Americans trapped by prescription drug addiction: an injured soldier returning from home, and a single working mother trying to support her children while suffering from a back injury. Often treated as ‘poor life choices’ by law enforcement and politicians, Spoon and the Flame angrily points the finger back at the pharmaceutical companies, the politicians, and the complacent attitudes that made the problem in the first place.


Red Red - Spoon And The Flame